July Is Over
Time flies when we are having fun!

July was a very busy month for me. No complaints: I got great paying projects to work on, two fun projects to brighten my load and I will soon be leaving to lovely Nassau to help lead an interpreters’ retreat with support from FIT and the Ministry of Tourism of the Bahamas. Can’t wait!

I’d like to share my two fun projects with you.

screen shot showing Elena, Gio and DmitryI was back as a guest at Translators on Air to talk about interpreting this time. Elena Tereshchenkova and Dmitry Kornyukhov invited me over for a chat on July 11. It went on for well over an hour. During the podcast, we answered questions such as What are some of the challenges interpreters face and how can they overcome them? , Have the technological advances of the last few years changed the way interpreters work? and Аre there any good exercises to train our voices? You may listen to the whole podcast right here or go to Translators on Air to enjoy all their great podcasts.

On July 14, I joined Elena Langdon and Rosanna Balisteri on the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC) trainers’ webinar series. The theme of our three-headed webinar was professionalism and all its different facets – Professionalism and Beyond, training interpreters to succeed in business. The webinar is free for NCIHC members, all others pay to access the webinar, but the slides are available on SlideShare.

July is over, but what a ride!