Writing is Another Love of Mine || Escrever é uma outra paixão

GioI fulfill part of my professional advocacy through live presentations and webinars, as well as through my writing. My work has been published online and in print. It is my pleasure to share some of it with you. Select a category or keyword (in blog lingo tags) on the right to read subjects of interest to you.

Click here to read my articles for The NAJIT Observer. My collaboration with TNO started back in 2011 and this year, 2016, I was appointed Administrator.

The Savvy Newcomer is ATA’s blog targeting those starting in the profession. Once in a while I have the honor of contributing to their treasure trove. You can read my articles for the Savvy Newcomer here by searching for Lester.

Português Apresentações ao vivo e webinários são veículos que uso para promover a profissão e o profissionalismo. Além disso, eu também escrevo e meu trabalho tanto é publicado on-line como é impresso. É um prazer compartilhar minha parte criativa.

O conteúdo em português aparecerá aos poucos.